Page last updated on: Friday, 6 October, 2023.
Anwoth Old Kirk Gravestone Photos

Our transcriptions page will allow a search of all the Anwoth Old Kirk gravestones. Find the person(s) you are looking for, then came to this page to see a photo for the relevant grave number.
Graves to the right in the photo above are numbered from 001 to 177, whilst those to the left are numbered 178 to 270. If you wish to visit the site then we have site plans for each side of the graveyard HERE.
Most of these photos were taken in 2009 and we always intended to make them available online, a feat eventually achieved in 2023.
Our transcriptions rely heavily on work done by Walter McCulloch in 1964. He arranged for stones to be cleaned prior to transcription. Subsequently many of these stones have weathered and become illegible. Hence there are transcriptions available but no photo is provided.
Our transcriptions rely heavily on work done by Walter McCulloch in 1964. He arranged for stones to be cleaned prior to transcription. Subsequently many of these stones have weathered and become illegible. Hence there are transcriptions available but no photo is provided.
In 1985 the Manpower Servies Commission carried out a survey of inscriptions on graves that were standing before 1918. We have used the same numbering as that study. Several stones have suffered weathering to the extent that we could not identify all stones. This has led to some stones having transcriptions (carried out by the MSC or Walter McCulloch) but we were unable to identify which stones to photograph.
027 |
041 |
042 |
Rear of stone 023
The Maxwell Mausoleum