Page last updated on: Tuesday, 20 March, 2018.
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Hunting (with hounds)

Mrs Murray Usher used to have her own Christmas cards made. Many of these contain engravings by Hookway Cowles of old photographs from EMUs collection. The above picture is taken from one such card. We do not know which year it was used but we have reproduced a series of her cards in section "Who Did What" - "Mrs Murray Usher, landowner". This is from card "Xmas 07". 

This is a photograph that was put on Facebook by Sam Kelly, who received it from Felicity Gelder. It was clearly taken at the same time as the one above, but is slightly different.     Below is a photo of the buildings at Rainton Dairy as seen today.

We now believe that the above gathering was specifically organised to inaugurate the setting up of a pack of hounds for the hunting of deer on the Cally Estate.
The following is a transcription of an article that was published in the Kirkcudbrightshire Advertiser on 21st March 1913. which probably refers to the above.

This photo was taken by William McMurray. The man on the white horse in the middle is Albert Douce. We believe the lady on the light grey horse at the right is Alexandra Murray Baillie and that the young girl on the small pony is her daughter Betty Murray Baillie, whilst Betty's father Frederick is to her left as seen in the photo.

The picture alongside and the 2 below were all taken outside the Murray Arms Hotel in 1960.








The Challoch foxhounds from Newton Stewart used to have an "annual meet" at Gatehouse and the riders enjoyed a "stirrup cup" outside the Murray Arms.

On the left is Master of Hounds, John White with his eldest daughter Louise.

The lowest of this set of 3 photos shows John White with his wife.


1965 Yorkshire Beagles from the Holme Firth Valley

After a week's hunting in the Gatehouse district the pack and officials of the famous Yorkshire Beagles from the Holme Firth Valley attracted a large crowd of onlookers and friends at the Murray Arms Hotel where they drank a stirrup cup before their last official meet. The Master of the Hunt was Maurice England (back to the camera) and two of the Whips are also seen with the hounds. The club members were so delighted with the hunting conditions in the area, and the marked increase in local interest that they decided to extend their stay at Gatehouse for a further 2 days and arranged meets at Murrayton and the local Waterworks.


Next 3 photos by Mike Bannister

In the Murray Arms courtyard.

Outside the Murray Arms

Gathering at Carstramon